Turtle Lake Watershed Inc.
Phone (306) 845-3201
Email b.gourlay@sasktel.net
Website http://www.tlwi.ca
The Turtle Lake Watershed Inc. (TLWI) was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 2004, with representative membership by the Rural Municipalities, First Nations, Villages and Hamlets throughout the drainage basin. TWLI’s mission is the maintenance of a healthy aquatic ecosystem within the Turtle Lake watershed basin.
The board meets regularly throughout the year to discuss watershed related issues, dialogues with government regulators and plans initiatives to protect the watershed. An Annual General Meeting is held every summer where members are invited to ask questions of the Board. AGM minutes and audited financial statements can be obtained on the resources page of their website. There is a wealth of information there.
The Living by Water handbook has been instrumental as a tool to educate and instruct property owners in their role in protecting the aquatic ecosystem. The TLWI provide all new lakeshore property owners with a free copy of this handbook, so that mistakes of the past need not be repeated.